1989 Loving Family Ponies

The Loving Family Ponies were sets of ponies that came in three: A Mommy, a Daddy and a Baby. Each family follows a theme, with the baby's cutiemarks being a combination of the mommy and daddy's cutiemarks. Which baby is included in the family also is dependant on reigon: The american loving family ponies had different babies than the European releases for example.

Mommy Apple Delight Daddy Apple Delight Baby Apple Delight Mommy Bright Bouquet Daddy Bright Bouquet Baby Bright Bouquet Mommy Sweet Celebrations Daddy Sweet Celebrations Baby Brother Sweet Celebrations

The Bright Bouquet Family Is a family of purple horses with flower and heart related Cutiemarks. I only have Mommy Bright Bouquet, who is purple with purple hair and lovely blue flower cutiemarks. I recieved mine in great condition.