1987 Newborn Twins

The Newborn twins are some of the smallest ponies, and each of these ponies have a twin sibling.

Dibbles and Nibbles Doodles and Noodles Jangles and Tangles Milkweed and Tumbleweed Rattles and Tattles Sniffles and Snookums

Noodles and Doodles Are baby newborn twin ponies with an alphabet themed cutiemark. Noodles is blue with a blue mane and Doodles is pink with a fading pink mane. I got Noodles first, and he was actually my first ever rehairing project I ever did, because he had a wacky cut mane. He got a complete rehair using Shimmerlocks' "Majesty". Doodles I got about half a year later, and she had a faded mane that needed repinking.
